We offer a dynamic series of seminars and programs, all offered online at this time given the pandemic. All are welcome.
Click Here for a Video
Please refer to our weekly newsletter SOUNDINGS for up-to-date listings, times, and ZOOM addresses. Offerings change frequently.
That said, the following are included every week through-out the church year:
Buddhist Practice Group
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM (online)
Contact: Nina Nagy
The Power of Now:
Wednesday 7 -8 pm
study & support group
based on Eckhart Tolle's book
Sponsored by the Addiction Recovery Ministry
Contact: Jim Francek
Talking Circles
Thursdays 4-5 PM
Spiritual sharing, listening, and communing as inspired by our Native peoples.
Contact: Jim Francek
Awakenings Lunch Group
Fridays noon-1PM
An intimate & friendly group
discuss selected readings and timely topics.
Contact: David Vita
Sundays 9:00 - 9:45 AM
Contact: Janet Luongo