Rev. Margalie Belizaire
Happy New Year, friends -
At The Unitarian Church in Westport, we are first and foremost a religious community. We need one another to grow in our spirituality, since religion is best practiced in community. Let’s always be about building deeper relationships with each other, and consequently, a stronger community.
In our “Stations” service on Sunday, December 29 - the last service of 2019! -- we asked all who were present to reflect on a question. This was to make space for pondering and exploring ways of being in community together. We want to share your thoughtful, profound, and practical responses here for your contemplation. As your ministerial team at TUCW, we are committed to being on this journey with you, as we continue to evolve everyday into better versions of ourselves as a church.
Below is the question posed and all of the responses, loosely clustered into like-minded groupings.
What is one new thing you will do in 2020 to feel more connected to The Unitarian Church in Westport community?”
- I will be less afraid
- I will not be judgmental
- I believe in the intention of a smile
- I will study the history of UU in the US
- I will endeavor to be less loud at church
- I will help with Capital Campaign contributions
- I will sing more / try to pay attention to services (when I’m here)
- I will get back in the choir / take “sight singing” / rejoin the choir
- I will return - (first time here) / learn more about UU Westport / get to know the congregation/ continue to show up / keep coming to church / return to services at least twice per month / come to Sunday service more / bring a friend
- I will be more present in every meeting and gathering - reaching out to others - eliminate my shyness
- I will connect with others / stay connected to people I meet and extend myself / cultivate friendships big and small / Meet 1 new person / Make friends with 2 new people this year / learn someone’s name and commit it to my memory / remember the names of my friends here and connect more with them / reach out more to individuals in the community / be social / get to know my “church friends” outside of the church and will initiate coffee, lunch, meditation, and game night / share my love of poetry with others / speak to visitors after the service and welcome them / continue reaching outward to bring others in (and me with them)
- I will focus on being a very good worship associate / be involved with Neighboring Faiths and retreat committee yet to be / look to promote Neighborhood Circle / support the church with time, talent and treasure (work hard on the YRSC) / find a brand now way to volunteer and be involved that I never imagined I would/could enjoy / do even more work in the youth/teen choir to make my performances greater than before / help teach how to love and respect this home / get to know and share with the children / open my heart to guidance as to how I may be the greatest, deepest service - “use me” / get involved in an activity / volunteer at Beardsley school / be working on the hospitality committee / see how I can serve / Join a church group / share my gifts / participate more.
- I will ponder the question "What is the purpose of life on earth?"
- I will go to service in Savannah, GA, and think about that simple, joyous, self-explanatory covenant
May you be blessed with the will, capacity, and ability to fulfill these desires.