Rev. Dr. John Morehouse, Senior Minister
More than a few of you have mentioned how exhausting it is to hear nothing but bad news about our current times. To be sure there is much about the pandemic which is terrible. The loss of life, the loss of our loved ones, the virulence of this disease and the opportunities for connection we have lost is staggering. There is much to lament.
But not all this is worthy of the Biblical “gnashing of teeth and tearing at our garments." There is some humor even in these darkest hours. I have been scouring the internet and I have this lovely list from Gregg Lovey:
- For the first time in history, we can save the human race by laying in front of the TV and doing nothing. Let's not screw this up.
- Definition of irony: When the Year of the Rat starts with a plague.
- Has anyone let the Amish know what's going on yet?
- Oh now everyone wants to know what introverts do for fun.
- Moment of silence for the people who agreed to live with annoying roommates because they wouldn't be spending much time at home anyway.
- Day 7 at home: The dog is looking at me like “See? This is why I chew the furniture.”
- Never in my whole life would I imagine my hands would consume more alcohol than my mouth.
- I’m so excited it’s time to take the garbage out. I wonder what I should wear?
- Some of you have never before gone through a global pandemic during an economic crash with a reality-show-host president who ignores repeated scientific warnings and can't lead—and it shows.
- I just tried to make my own hand sanitizer and it came out as a rum and coke.
- We are about three weeks away from knowing everyone's true hair color.
- Homeschooling, Day 21: Today we did math: If you have 3 kids, and they're awake roughly 13 hours of the day, and you’re trying to work from home, how many times will you hear the word “snack”?
- How long is this social distancing supposed to last? My husband keeps trying to get into the house.
- The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract COVID-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. Just to be clear, WHO let the dogs out.
- In an unsettling reversal of my teenage years, I'm now yelling at my parents for going out.
- Let's not forget that Rapunzel was quarantined and met her future husband, so let's think positively.
Send me your favorites. We will put up a little reminder from time to time about the lighter side of life.
Be well, stay safe and stay in touch, Rev. John