Rev. Dr. John Morehouse, Senior Minister
The day has finally arrived. The expectation, the waiting, the exhaustion, the joy of this day is here. I wish you and yours only the very best this Christmas Day. After the pageant is done, after the Christmas Eve candles are extinguished, after the presents are unwrapped, after the meal has been served, after the hubbub has died down, may we remember that Christmas is more than a day of the year but a season of the spirit.
I leave you with this wonderful blessing from my colleague Rev. Christine Robinson:
Like the wandering couple, may we find that our greatest trials issue forth from our greatest joys.
Like the harried innkeeper, may we find ways to be of help to others.
Like the lumbering beasts, may we be silent witnesses to the unfathomable glory of life.
Like the shepherds on the hill, may we know that we need never be afraid.
Like the journeying wise, may we always have the courage to follow our stars.
Like the angels, may we cry peace to a troubled world.
Holy one, to these prayers for our own transformation we add our prayers for all of those who suffer and grieve this evening. May they find comfort. And we add our prayers for all those involved in war; may they be safe. And may this season of peace and goodwill nudge our world towards its ideals, for then will Christmas truly dawn. Amen.
See you in church, Rev. John